A Painful Dental Emergency is extremely disruptive to your life, we know it and we can alleviate it immediately.
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At Cookstown Dental Centre, We will get back to you promptly and also resolve your Painful Dental Emergency immediately.
What you can expect is an Emergency Exam, X-rays, Emergency Dental Treatment, and Emergency antibiotics as well as “pain-killers” after Dr. Khalid of Cookstown Dental Centre triages you.
Usually an Emergency dental exam with x-rays will cost you between $100 to $200 depending on the complexity of your emergency. Dr. Khalid always recommends to patients not to wait until the emergency worsens severely.
We will treat your Dental Emergency at the appoint to give your immediate relieve. This may involve a simple restoration, or extraction, or an emergency root canal therapy.
Steps your can do now until Dr. Khalid sees you:
- Some Aches are relieved by Either heat or cold depending on the stage of your ache. Find which one of these relieves the ache, then apply the reliever either an Ice Cube (if cold) or a Warm water (if heat)
- Some Aches worse when laying down or when standing up, find out which one of these postures lessens the pain and adopt that position. When sleeping avoid laying completely flat if that worsens the ache.
- Some hold remedies like ora-gel, eugenol ointments and a combination of over the counter pain killers help.
- Call Cookstown Dental Centre immediately and tell us your are having a Painful emergency.